Friday 30 August 2013

5. Magazine cover.

Audience: People who are Cheryl Cole fans as her picture I used on the cover, usually females, people who are into fashion and celebrities. Ages from 16+ would be the audience for this type if magazine.
Purpose: To entertain people with the stories about celebrities and the latest fashion trends.  
Format: Magazine which uses many pictures on the front cover to catch readers eye. The picture of Cheryl Cole is printed largely to attract fans and readers.  Bold fonts are used also to make the magazine attractive to people passing by. Bright colours are used to make the magazine attractive and stand out.
The magazine uses a picture of the celebrity Cheryl Cole as a way of making people purchase and read it. This will make it appealing to fans or people who are interest in Cheryl. Also the quote used on the front of the magazine 'I couldn't cope with her bizarre behaviour' will gain the interest of people passing making this story inside seem dramatic and worth reading.

How has the gender of the audience influenced the text? Although not for a particular gender these type of magazines are usually aimed at female ranging from teenagers onwards. The gender has influence this front cover as the picture of a female celebrity and perhaps role model is featured on the cover. Also the fashion items at the bottom of the magazine have been influenced by the audience as will attract female attention.

Thursday 29 August 2013

4. Nemesis- the ride.

Can you take the extreme heat of Nemesis Inferno at THORPE PARK?
We've flipped the rollercoaster on its head with this mad inverted Hell ride into the fiery pit of a volcano!
Dare to ride Nemesis Inferno and you won't know which way is up as you loop, spin, dive and corkscrew

Audience: For people wanting to visit Thorpe park, also people within the height restrictions.
Purpose: To inform people about the ride showing pictures of it and outlining the rules and restrictions of the ride. Also persuade them to visit Thorpe park and go on the ride. People can also look of reviews of the ride to see other peoples thoughts on it in hope it will encourage them to visit.
Format: Big bold writing is used for the title of the ride in a eye catching font. Also questions are being used to try and persuade people to go on the ride.

On the page advertising the ride a question says "Can you take the extreme heat of Nemesis Inferno at THORPE PARK" this proposes a challenged to people also implying that there is a danger going on this ride and it is only for the brave who can "take the heat". Again implying the same thing " dare to ride" this making the ride something of an achievement if you go on it. The page also shows a gallery of picture which will give people a look at the ride and excite them in hope of persuading them to visit.

How has technology influenced this text? Picture, videos and reviews are able to be viewed from the website making it easier for people to see the ride. Also links to ticket prices and buying tickets are on the side therefore easy for people to click on and book.

How had the gender of the audience influenced the text? The ride isn't for a particular gender however looks as if it would appeal more to the male gender, this has been influenced by the challenge that has been implied by the text as suggesting it is a manly ride for brave people who "dare to ride". Also the fire aspect of the ride would be influenced by a male audience and they would look for extreme rides.

3. Breif summary of " The Conjuring".

The Conjuring is a terrifying ‘ghost-invasion’ movie from the director of Saw and Insidious. Ed (Patrick Wilson) and Lorraine Warren (Vera Farmiga) are real life ‘ghost hunters’, though they’re not too keen on that description. Their most terrifying case, one they have never spoken about before, was the Perron family whose home in Rhode Island was being terrorised by particularly nasty spirits. Can the Warrens deal with an evil witch? And will the whole experience take a deadly toll on psychic Lorraine? The Conjuring is a truly terrifying experience all the worse for its being based on real events.
Buy Vue Cinema tickets online for The Conjuring and watch the film trailer above.
Audience: people who are wanting to go to the cinema and see a film. People over the age of 15 as the film has a age limit therefore mostly teenagers and older people. Also the film will have an audience that enjoy horror and scary films. 
Purpose: To inform people about the new film, to tell them a bit of what's its about yet leave them wanting to find out more and therefore to buy tickets for the film. Also to make people aware of what age group it is aimed at and suitable for by using words to describe the film such as 'terrifying ghost invasion'.
Format: A picture of the film is used above this text along with the trailer, allowing people to have a sneak peak of the film. this attracts peoples attention with the use of pictures and a trailer. In the text quotes and powerful adjectives are used to interest people.
In the paragraph it mentions the film is from the director ' of saw and insidious' this is a selling point for the film as will attract viewers that have seen and enjoyed saw or/and insidious. Also a  rhetorical question is included 'can the warrens deal with an evil which?' this will get people intrigued about what will happen. The use of adjectives will interest people, 'terrifying' is used repeatedly when describing the film this attract an audience who enjoy scary films.
How has technology influenced this text? The use of the trailer and still picture is a great example of how technology is used to gain peoples interests for the film and attract people as allows them to get an idea of what the films about. Also the links that are used in the text are very helpful as makes it easy for people to buy the tickets for the film.

Wednesday 28 August 2013

2. John Green book.

The fault in our stars is an award winning author John Green's most ambition and heart-breaking work yet, brilliantly exploring the funny, thrilling and tragic business of being alive and in love."

Audience: Any age apart from very young, the book in my opinion is suited for teenagers. Can be for any gender however is tailored mostly for girls.
Purpose: The purpose of the front cover is to grab peoples attention in hope they will purchase the book. The back of the book is designed to inform people of what the book is a bout yet leave them wanting to find out more. Also on the book is shown that it is "#1 new York times best seller" this displayed on purpose to attract readers and to persuade them to read.
Format: The front cover is bright and bold standing out and catching attention. The font is unique and looks hand written adding to the look. The award the book has won is in bright yellow and eye catching colour used to make people read it.

On the front of the book powerful adjectives are used to describe the book, these are also capitalised which will stand out to the reader gaining there attention. On the back also is bold adjectives describing the book used in a list "NSIGHTFUL, BOLD, IRRELEVANT AND RAW" This technique will allow the words to stand out and stick in someone's mind while also persuading them to read the book as such powerful words used to describe the story.

Has the gender of the audience influenced the text? Although not aimed at a particular gender however more popular with females does influence the text slightly,"tragic business of alive and in love" appeals more to girls as boys wouldn't normally read a tragic love story.

Tuesday 27 August 2013

1. Ride at Drayton Manor.


Audience: Children of a young age who are interested in Thomas Land and parents who are looking to take there children. Attracts an audience of  perhaps in particular boys as is trains aimed towards young boys. Also to people with access to the internet as is a website online.
Purpose: To advertise the new  'Winston ride' new to Dayton Manor and to inform parents of the 'multi-million pound attraction promising fun and adventure' which will persuade them to visit with there children. The text on the picture is written to gain attention of potential customers and children with the exciting colours and large text stating that ride is one of a kind as is 'only as Thomas Land.
 Format: The bright colours and bold font on the picture is very eye catching and will attract children's attention. 'NEW' in large letters will draw attention to the picture and make it stand out from the other rides. The name of the new ride will appeal to Thomas fans who like the trains. Also the picture will allow people to know what the new ride is without having to read on.
The text uses persuasion as 'promising fun and adventure for young' this grabs parents attention as implying if they don't visit there children will be missing out on this promising experience. also by including statistics and powerful adjectives makes the theme park so attractive '6,000 square meters of beautiful parkland'.
How has technology influenced this text? This is from an online website therefore is directed towards people used the internet which tends to be young people, families and parent. The website also has a link to the map of the park and a picture gallery of the rides this technology allows people to find out a lot about the park before visiting.
Has the gender of the audience influenced the text? As the ride will mostly appeal to boys the picture has a blue back ground and a picture of a train on the front therefore tailored towards boys.